In DC Comics "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns," an older Bruce Wayne emerges from retirement to reclaim his role as Batman as Gotham City spirals into chaos amidst rampant crime and corruption. Confronting his fears and the repercussions of his past, he battles a new wave of foes. "The Dark Knight Returns" is truly a classic that redefined Batman and left a significant mark on the superhero genre.
The heroic image and muscular physique of Batman in the comic are iconic. Sideshow and Hot Toys brings this legendary character to life with this Batman Collectible Figure Sixth Scale Figure.
Inspired by Batman's appearance in "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns," this meticulously crafted sixth scale figure features a newly developed body with 30 points of articulation that portrays Batman's muscular physique, and a masked head with interchangeable lower parts of face. The collectible figure also comes with a specially tailored Batsuit with a large Bat symbol and an attached wired cape, a utility belt with weathering effects, Batarangs, a rifle and a specially designed figure stand with character nameplate.
Don't miss your chance to add this incredible Batman Figure to your DC collectible display!
Hot Toys DC Comics The Dark Knight Returns Batman Sixth Scale Figure . This is a preorder and items will be shipped once received. Items are expected to arrive in Q2 2026. A non-refundable deposit of 30% will apply to this order. Estimated release dates are given to us by the manufacturer and are subject to change. Our receipt of items from manufacturers may not be the same as wide release.
Please note that shipping date may vary from the expected date given unforeseen circumstances in shipping routine. Cancellation of an order is possible until a week before wide release but non-refundable deposit of 30% will apply. Please ask team for details. Cancellations will not be accepted after that as orders will begin to be processed by that point. By making a pre-order purchase, you agree that you understand the pre-order policy.
Shipping Included! Shipped in a sturdy box with padding inside to ensure quality of item.
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